Friday 19 July 2013


Yesterday, when I was on a stroll with my friend I was so lost in the conversation that I did not seem to bother where we were heading to. The grave expression on my friend's face compelled me to look front. We had walked up to a cliff! I bent down slack jawed to see a depth I could not estimate.

I didn't know what got into my friend when she grasped my hand to take a leap thrusting both of us into a smash of air I had never felt before. I had no clue of what a few more seconds would bring for me. It was a strange sense of elation. I descended the cliff, not knowing how to feel as in a few seconds I would not exist at all. And thud! I woke to find myself alive right out of that fatal dream.

You know, this wasn't about what could have happened if I had actually fallen. It was actually about the thrill, the adrenaline rush, those last wishes to survive, the true prayer from within and the this-is-the-last-minute-of-life moment.

Why don't we start to live life treating its every single minute as the last-minute-of-life moment?

Chuck the uncertainties.
Grab yourselves and take the plunge!

With this post I begin 'Soliloquy' (:


*Image sketched by Manasa C (:


Don't forget to leave your pencil mark behind... (:

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